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Meet Your Councillor – Jon Orrell

Name: Jon Orrell 

Ward you represent: Melcombe Regis (Weymouth Town Centre) 

Any committee roles? Planning and Licencing. Plus I’m a member of the Council’s Climate and Ecological Emergency working group and the Tumbledown Project Board.

Tell us a little bit about yourself:

I grew up in Weymouth. My grandparents ran the Lupins Hotel. My dad was a GP at the Royal Crescent surgery. I returned to Dorset after training to work as a doctor in the same practice. My wife and I settled in Weymouth and have raised our family here. My children attended All Saints School then Hardyes. We are keen gardeners and have a smallholding for vegetables and fruit. I play sax, trumpet and guitars in several local bands. 

What motivated you to become a councillor?  

As a doctor I could see that pills alone did not bring health. We also need clean air, pure water, warm homes and local food. So, to bring about a better life for my patients I wanted to join the Council and improve housing standards, develop green spaces and places for healthy exercise.  

What do you enjoy most about the role? 

The opportunity to change the town for the better. The planting of community orchards, trees and a ‘care farm’ at Tumbledown. Improving cycling and walking routes.  

What’s the most frequent issue you deal with in your ward? 

Parking was the most frequent problem when I began. It took several years to develop, consult and implement a new scheme that tries to balance the needs of local residents and seasonal visitors. Now it’s a mixture of noise complaints and bouts of anti-social behaviour. 

Do you have any advice for anyone thinking about becoming a councillor? 

It is worth coming to some meetings held in public, to see what goes on. Also, you can ask formal questions about council matters to test how to change council actions. 

How can people contact you if they have an issue to raise?   

01305 772152 or cllrjonorrell@weymouthtowncouncil.gov.uk