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Annual Service of Remembrance

Sunday 10th November 2019

The Annual Service of Remembrance and two minutes silence in Weymouth will be attended by the Mayor of Weymouth, Cllr Graham Winter, on Sunday 10 November at 10.55am on Weymouth Seafront.  Cllr Winter said ‘As we move into this important period of remembrance, it is our solemn duty to remember those who were killed and injured in conflicts many years ago and those in more recent times.​’

Following the service Cllr Winter will lay the council wreath at the Cenotaph on behalf of the residents of Weymouth.  Wreaths will be laid by the services, ex-service associations and local organisations.  Members of the public are invited to lay private wreaths following the local organisations.

Following the service the contingents on parade will march past the Cenotaph.  

The Parade will march along the Esplanade from Brunswick Terrace to the American War Memorial. A short service will take place to remember all those who left the shores of Weymouth and Portland for D Day and commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the sinking of the S/S Leopoldville which was carrying 802 American Soldiers. The Mayor will lay a wreath on behalf of the residents of Weymouth.

Cllr Winter will also attend the Royal British Legion Remembrance Service at Holy Trinity Church on Sunday 10 November at 6:30pm and the Royal British Legion Remembrance Service at the Cenotaph on the Esplanade on Monday 11 November at 10:55am.

For the Remembrance Service and Parade sea front road closures will be in place 10am until noon approximately.  There will also be traffic diversions in place from noon until approximately 12.30pm on the Esplanade between King Street and the Kings Statue for the US Memorial Wreath Laying Ceremony. Local diversions will be fully signed. For travel updates go to dorsetforyou.com and search for Travel Dorset.