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Weymouth Health Walks to be paused until the new year

Weymouth Town Council has made the decision to continue to pause all Health Walks until at least the new year.

While England will be coming out of lockdown on 2nd December, the Dorset area will then be entering the high alert Tier 2 level of restrictions. While the rules do allow people to meet outdoors, walk leaders have decided to take extra caution by pausing all walks until it is safer to resume them.  

The Health Walks were initially paused in March due to the first lockdown but were able to resume in September. They were then paused again in November because of the second lockdown.

The Weymouth Health Walks scheme offers residents of all walking abilities the chance to meet safely with others and benefit from fresh air and gentle exercise, using local parks and open spaces.

Cllr David Northam, Chair of the Services Committee, said:

“Weymouth Health Walks have been hugely beneficial for local residents, however ensuring the safety of walkers is our top priority.” 

“We recognise the walks have helped to connect people who have been socially isolated due to the coronavirus pandemic and want our residents to know that help is still available. We encourage anyone who might be feeling isolated or alone in these difficult times to take advantage of our fantastic Keep in Touch scheme.”

Residents who sign up for the Keep in Touch scheme can join group calls which take place once a week or sign up to receive letters from local volunteers. Contact keepintouch.weymouth@gmail.com or call 07902 217942 for more information.