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Last chance to have your say on Weymouth’s Neighbourhood Plan

Time is running out to influence the content of Weymouth’s Neighbourhood Plan as the deadline to respond to a public consultation closes on Friday 15th December. 

The area covered in Weymouth’s Neighbourhood Plan is the largest in Dorset and one of the biggest in England and sets policies for the town’s future development to 2038.  

It has been prepared by residents and councillors who make up the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group during several rounds of consultation and engagement. They are now urging people who live and work in Weymouth to make sure their voice is heard on important topics in the plan like identifying land for affordable homes, making sure there are jobs and training opportunities so people can stay local, and protecting 48 local greenspaces proposed by residents for future generations. 

They also want to know if people agree with measures to make new homes as environmentally friendly as possible to reduce bills and carbon emissions. Making our communities safer, more accessible, with nearby facilities is also reflected in the plan which aims to make Weymouth a resilient coastal town.  

Resident Colin Marsh is Vice Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. He said: “With just one week to go before the consultation closes, this really is the last chance to get involved and influence the content of the draft plan. Without one, developers could build what they want where they want. Valued green space and habitat may not be protected, and the shortage of social housing could increase.  

“This is the most important consultation in a generation so don’t leave it too late to give us your views before the consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 15th December.” 

How can I have my say? 

The plan and supporting documents are available to view online and in libraries where you can get support to fill in the short survey.  

The online questionnaire is available at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LKTT63N 

A further drop-in engagement session takes place on Wednesday 13th December, 4pm to 6pm at The New Town Hall, Council Chamber, Commercial Road. Members of the Steering Group will be available to talk about the plan and answer any questions. 


Notes to Editors 

The latest information and updates from Weymouth Town Council can be found on the website, Facebook, and X pages.