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Weymouth launches new Community Toilet Scheme

Weymouth Town Council is working in partnership with local businesses to increase the number of public toilets available in the town.

This is being achieved through a Community Toilet Scheme, enabling businesses such as cafés, shops and pubs to let their toilets to be used free of charge by members of the public.

Businesses who sign up will be provided with window stickers which will welcome people to use their toilet facilities.

Businesses with this sticker in their window have signed up to the scheme

Marks and Spencer, The Swan, The William Henry, Matalan and both McDonald’s restaurants in Weymouth have already signed up to the scheme. More businesses are also expected to sign up, meaning that there will be a wide variety of toilet facilities available throughout the town, in addition to the existing public toilets.

Cllr Graham Winter, Weymouth Town Council Mayor, said: “This scheme will increase the amount of good, safe and accessible toilets for people visiting the town. People, who may be worried about using facilities belonging to businesses, will be clearly signposted to those that welcome them. For the businesses, it’s a great opportunity to attract extra people through the door.”

“The Community Toilet Scheme has already proved to be a great success in other towns across the country.”

To find out more information about this scheme, including how to get your business involved, please visit our toilets information page here.