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Committee meetings for Planning and Licensing, Environment and Services, Finance and Governance, Human Resources, and Full Council take place in the Council Chamber at the Weymouth Town Council offices.

Attendees will be asked to sign in to assist with health and safety including fire evacuation.

Anyone wishing to ask a public question should email their question to office@weymouthtowncouncil.gov.uk by 9am on the day prior to the meeting.

Weymouth Town Council Meeting Dates 2024-25

The Councillors meet as a Full Council every six weeks or so. Underneath Full Council are several Committees:

Papers will be available three clear days before each meeting on this webpage. Council papers will appear below once they have been added.

Livestreams of past meetings can be found on our YouTube page.

The attendance registers for Committee meetings can be found here.

Weymouth Town Council acts as consultees on planning applications. Dorset Council are the planning authority and members of the public are encouraged to submit their views via the Dorset Council website by clicking the following link: https://planning.dorset.gov.uk/public-access/. Residents can also contact their local Town Councillor if they wish to discuss Weymouth Town Council’s comments on any application.

11 Jan 2022
Planning and Licensing