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Friends Of The Marsh

Friends Of The Marsh was set up in October 2013 and works in partnership with Weymouth Town Council to improve and enhance this greenspace.

The Marsh is located on Knightsdale Road, Weymouth and has a skate park, parkour, basketball area and play area.


Friends of the Marsh have been involved in various projects, such as creating a community orchard located behind the swimming pool.

In March 2017 the friends group received funding of £1000 to build raised beds. In addition, a further 12 trees were donated by the Woodland Trust. With the help and guidance from the head arborist, Dave Parry, a team of 5 planted saplings to create a mixed woodland of Rowen, Willow, Hawthorn and Birch.

The friends group were involved in the planning of the Marsh
Masterplan which included the installation of a new multi-use games area, play
area, fencing, seating and drop kerb. These new facilities opened in September