Mayor’s Blog – July

As Mayor I get to see so much of what is happening across the town. Two places stand out with the first being the fully restored floral clock at Greenhill. Now it is not just the sweeping hands of flowers on display, but we have the elaborate and fascinating mechanism clearly visible in a nearby hut. The original cuckoo sound on the hour is back which is a centre piece to our award-winning green flag garden. And Greenhill Gardens, along with Sandsfoot Gardens, won the coveted Green Flag award earlier this month, you can read more about it here.

The second notable improvement is the grand re-opening of Radipole Park and Gardens. The ravages of the cold wet spring are now forgotten as this park emerges in the summer and is already well-used. A new path connects the northern orchard part to the central play area and onward to the more formal gardens and the town. It is great to see this park transformed so it is more welcoming to children and adults alike. The new café kiosk and toilets are at the core where the old park joins the new enhancements with also a new and bigger car park, offering free parking making this area even more attractive. The Radipole Park Celebration Event takes place on Saturday 10th August, which will feature live music from Wey Bay Rockers and Weymouth Ukuleleans and there will be free sports taster sessions throughout the event. To find out more details visit the council’s website.
On Saturday 27th July, the Veterans Hub held a rally called the Rolling Thunder Conex ride out where many motorcycles came to Weymouth which was delightful to attend. They were part of a national movement that works to improve the physical and mental health of ex forces personnel. A lottery grant has recently boosted the hub’s ongoing and much needed fundraising efforts which helps them achieve their goals with veterans helping other veterans.
The summer finally arrived at the end of July and on a sunny afternoon I was delighted to join in the prize giving at the beach volleyball competition. Weymouth achieves national fame in the sport with this prestigious event bringing many visitors to the town. The weekend finished on the quayside with our loyal Salvation Army Band playing for the RNLI lifeboat annual blessing service which we were duly splashed with sanctified water from a rescue helmet. The lifeboat profile this year will be enhanced by a new shop opening nearer the town which is a welcoming addition. My own jazz band, Dr Jazz, performed as part of the regulars on the Sunday afternoon series of concerts at Greenhill Gardens. This is one of the features of Weymouth with our lively and varied musical culture which is a cause for celebration. On Monday 29th July I then celebrated 60 years of the Weymouth Outdoor Education Centre (WOEC). The event was full of celebration and happiness as I was shown around the complex and learnt what they have on offer.

There’s lots of exciting events happening in August. I am looking forward to the seafront firework displays which are on every Monday in August with firing time at 9.30pm. As well as this, Weymouth Concert Brass are also playing on the same night from 7.30pm on the Promenade.
Mayor of Weymouth, Cllr Jon Orell