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Residents invited to Neighbourhood Plan engagement events

Several engagement events have been set up so that people can view the Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan and ask questions about it during the current public consultation.

The Plan sets policies for Weymouth’s future development to 2038 and consultation opened on October 27th. Feedback can be given on the draft plan up until 5pm on Friday 8th December, but if you have any questions about it then the Council is encouraging people to come along to an engagement event and find out more. The dates and venues are:

Thursday 16th November at Moonfleet Indoor Bowls Club, The Marsh sports ground. Event runs 4.30pm to 6.30pm.

Wednesday 22nd November at Preston Village Hall, from 4.30pm to 6.30pm.

Monday 27th November at Littlemoor Community Centre, from 4.30pm to 6.30pm.

Monday 4th December in the Council Chamber, The New Town Hall, Commercial Road, from 6pm to 8pm.

Further dates to be announced in due course.

Councillor David Northam, Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, said: “Members of the Steering Group will available to answer your questions about the Neighbourhood Plan at a series of drop-in events starting next Thursday at The Marsh followed by events in Littlemoor, Preston, and the New Town Hall. We’d like to know what you support and what you’d like to change. This Plan is important for you and your children as it regulates development over the next 17 years. Please don’t forget to fill in the feedback form by the 8th December. Visit https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LKTT63N and make sure your voice is heard.”

The plan covers:

Residents and organisations can go to Weymouth Town Council’s website where they will find the pre-submission plan document with all the proposals. Feedback should be submitted by completing an online questionnaire at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LKTT63N by 5pm on Friday 8th December.