The Friends of Lodmoor Country Park
The Friends of Lodmoor Country Park work in partnership with the Parks & Open Spaces department of Weymouth Town Council.
The group aims to protect, improve and promote the park, helping to make it look cared for and welcoming, and encouraging responsible enjoyment of the park’s unique qualities. The Friends work with other interested groups, and friendships have grown beyond the park.
Community Green Gym at the Country Park
A successful joint bid by The Friends & the council resulted in a Big Lottery Community Spaces Grant of £43,000 to provide 21 pieces of outdoor gym equipment located at 5 stations around a 2km trail. The range of apparatus enables every part of the body to get a good workout and all equipment has instructions advising on use. The added bonus is that it is charge-free; two free fitness programme cards are available from the Lodmoor Friends.
A Children’s Green Gym was created in the main play area; made of timber, it is designed for the under 12’s to play and exercise on.
The Friends of Lodmoor Country Park are committed to fund repairs and replacements to the green gym equipment, and welcome the assistance of users in monitoring its condition.
The Galleon Play Area
Lodmoor Friends liaise with park users and the council to help provide equipment to suit all ages, and have raised funds for one of the bird‘s nest swings, the springy seesaw and the “slide on a hump”.
Woodland Walk and the Wildflower Meadow
Native bluebells, primroses and thousands of snowdrops have been planted in the Woodland Walk by The Friends; in 2016 they helped create a Wildflower Meadow beside the Storytelling Throne and Listening Stools generously donated by a local family.
Friends’ Activities
Since launching in 2008, the Friends have:
- Organised and encouraged litter picking.
- Refurbished a seated shelter & installed & repaired notice boards.
- Hosted walks with experts, looking at trees, birds, wildlife and park history
- Organised free family events, including the annual Sparkle in the Park.
- Held Open Meetings to involve all members and the community.
- Organised events to raise funds and the profile of the group.
Projects carried out with the council
Working with the Parks and the Parking Departments, the Friends are consulted on where new seats, bins and signs are placed; they successfully lobbied for traffic barriers to improve safety, especially for children. Four friendly wooden dogs and a dog-shaped bench were commissioned by The Friends to mark and draw attention to the “dogs on leads” area of the park. At the Friends’ request, the council’s Property Services section made extensive repairs to a park bridge .
If you would like to become a member of the group please contact 01305 239290.